Online, Monthly Teddy Bear Magazine


10 Tips on Photographing Your Stuffed Animal Collection

August 2012                                                        Ferina Santos           

If you're anything like me, your teddy bears and stuffed animals, whether purchased or made them yourself, bring you a smile every time you glance in their direction.

Their smiles are contagious and their huggable factor is undeniable. Come rain or come shine, your teddy bears, like mine, will be there for me to give a bright spot to my day.

To carry this joy with me, and share it with others, I enjoy photographing my lovable furry friends.

These photos make fabulous birthday cards, holiday greetings or fun displays that can be used in a myriad of ways.

There are limitless opportunities to use a photo to spread of your stuffed animals to spread a little joy.

In fact, here are 10:

1. Capture them Reading a Book - Perfect for a picture on a desk, your teddy bear reading a book either with their favorite person or on their own is an adorable way to show the love of words. Place the book on a table or floor (whichever background surface you prefer) and open the book to the middle. Then, position your teddy bear so that they are sitting almost on top of the pages absorbing all the story has to offer.

2. Looking out into the distance - Do you love sunsets and breathtaking landscapes? Take a picture of your stuffed animal looking out into the distance and get two incredible scenes in one. To do this, position your bear against a stable surface or sit them down on a ledge or fence so that you can get both the back of your stuffed animals head and the scene.

3. Reflection in the mirror - A fun picture is always a reflection in the mirror. Shoot your bear looking at their own image. This way, you can get the back and the front of the stuffed animal making for a unique picture. Just be careful you don't catch yourself in the mirror too.

4. At the dinner table - A great picture for a dining room is one of your stuffed animals sitting at the table with you. This will provide a smile every time you enter the room to eat. When taking the picture be sure to use enough height to prop the animal up. A good idea too is to take the picture with your favorite chocolate bar or dessert for some extra sweetness.

5. With a companion - If you have a lovable pair of stuffed animals, take pictures of them in love. This is a great photo to have for anniversaries, weddings, or Valentine's Day cards. Have the stuffed animals gaze into each other's eyes, kiss, or simply be lovable.

6. On vacation - When you travel, use your stuffed animals to capture scenes in a more fun way. Similar to the gnome used on Travelocity commercials, place your stuffed animal on display in fun, exotic locations for some extra special memories when you return home.





7. With a pet - Do you love your stuffed animals and your pet equally? Take pictures of them together to send to relatives and friends. These pictures show two lovable creatures cuddling or playing, which is enough to send a smile and bring happiness to anyone's heart.

8. Special holiday photos - During the holidays forego the troublesome task of gathering up all of the family. Instead, take pictures of your stuffed animal with festive lights in the background for a nice and unique holiday greeting that is sure to bring people joy.

9. Swinging - For an extra unique photo, take a picture of your stuffed animal in a swing built just for them. To do this, simply hang a hook or pin on the wall. Then, tie a piece of string and hang it on the hook. This string should be long enough so that you can photograph your stuffed animal without the hook being shown in the picture. Then, position your stuffed animal on the string in a fun way and start shooting.

10. Striking a pose - Stuffed animals can be models too. If your stuffed animal looks particularly cute in a certain pose, capture that on film. Or, do a full photo shoot with a variety of poses for some fun photographs to hang on the wall. This is particularly fun to do in black and white.
I have a blast finding new ways to create fun filled images of my stuffed animals in different settings. You can to with these fun ideas.


Ferina Santos

Features Writer

Member since July 2012


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