rising star

Laure Weltsch, Fool's Gold


C'est Chic! Ultimate Clowne de Femme with your wowie-zowie clown nose, fluffie-nuffie sheer ruffie, blondish yellow mohair, yellow paws, mellow weight, purple lips and nails, topped off with Omiyage accoutrements, no less! Nine inches

tall and one-of-a-kind.

Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch


Observe girly charm: glittered ultra suede lids, cute sculpted toes, striped waxed nose, subtle light beige and tan tones silky mohair, glittered corsage entwined with wired ombre ribbon, pink tinged cheeks and toes, scented with soft, sweet fragrance, pleasantly weighted, 9" tall, fully jointed, one of a kind.  $259 (USD)+shp/hndl.
Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch

Continued from Page One

Fools Gold, by Laure Weltsch

Bearaholic Pursuits

When traveling, I usually bring

a project to work on.  If I do not

feel like lugging a sewing machine

with me, I stitch the whole bear

by hand. 

On our anniversary last May, my husband and I spent several days

at a romantic resort overlooking

the ocean with sea lions barking

and waves crashing. 

What did we do to pass the time

during romantic days? 

He worked on job estimates for

his fence contracting business,

and I sewed bears on my sewing


It was absolutely glorious creating

bears in that gorgeous and serene


We both left refreshed, with

a great sense of accomplishment. 

Now that is romantic!

My wonderful, teddy-shaped

husband and I otherwise reside

in a rustic 19th century schoolhouse

on the North Coast of California.

We are blessed with a bit

of redwood forest in our yard,

two warring cats, a smelly but

friendly dog, a goat named Jose

and a variegated assortment

of chickens.

Show Destinations

As a California girl, the shows

I have done so far have been

on the West Coast in California

and Oregon which are as follows:

International Teddy Bear Convention

in Nevada City, TBBNC in San Jose, Linda Mullins' show in San Diego,

now managed by ABC Unlimited,

Annual Portland Paws in Lincoln

City, Oregon and Bearly Raining

in Portland, Oregon.

Starting this year, I venture

into new realms by attending

a July show at Overland Park,


Currently, I see the teddy bear

market and its shows as somwhat

in a transitional state.  Wise bear lovers are cashing in on time and

travel costs by doing some of their bear shopping online and saving

up for special trips to shows.

Online shopping has several

obvious benefits, but the "up

close and personal" experience

of seeing bears and their makers

"in the fur or flesh ", will always

make shows an essential part

of the teddy bear experience.

Finding Us

Fool's Gold Bears can be found

on various Internet artist listing

websites: Bears Direct, Bear Pile,

Hot 50 Teddy Bear Websites, Teddy Central's Top 50, Teddy Bears Hug,

Teddy Bears on the Net and the

new webzine, Bears& Buds.

My artistry has been featured in

Teddy Bear Review and Teddy Today magazines. 

Currently, I appear in Hugglets

Teddy Bear Guide and Teddy Bear

and Friends magazine.

Teddy bear retailer, Parlor Bears,

Lincoln City, Oregon carries Fool's

Gold Bears in their lineup of quality artists' work.

I also receive visitors at my studio

by appointment or you can visit my website: www.foolsgoldbears.com

My Own Signature Style

Teddy bear artists are known

for their generosity in sharing

bear making tips and tricks,

yet amazingly, it is rare to see

an artist's bear that closely

resembles another artist's work.

I have been fortunate enough

to have taken classes from Ted Menten, Martha Burch, Armella

Dana, Earline Maples Brohmer,

and Denis Shaw. 

Besides being great fun, attending shows with other artists is a great

learning experience,   I exchange ideas with other artists at shows, whenever I can. 

I have shown a couple of people

how to make a bear, but so far

I haven't taught any public classes. 

First, I want develop my own patterns to offer for sale. 

Some of the special features that represent my "signature style"

include: internal eyes, wired limbs, external eyes with eyelids, custom accent coloring and needle sculpting. 

Each character has its own unique personality.  Most are one of a kind, and all are my own original designs.

Real Rewards

Whenever I perceive that my art

is giving pleasure to another human being, it becomes a high point for me. 

I enjoy tremendously, the feeling

I get when my chosen career can

be a blessing to others.

When a bear nears completion,

lifelike characteristics begin

to emerge, particularly when

the expression starts to form. 

That is when I begin to feel

I am interacting with my creation.

When that happens, I know

the piece will "speak" to others.

For me, the whole process

is about communication. 

I think this must be how God 

feels when we interact with him.

The bear's eyes especially, reveal

a presence that speaks silently,

straight to the heart.

The fur becomes soft and inviting;

it warms to the touch.  The weight feels like a living, breathing soul.

The colors harmonize beautifully, almost musically. 

Listen closely... The faint hum

of teddy's love song is whispering

ever so sweetly. 

My heart skips a beat.  Softly,

I smile.

Additional Comments

New artists sometimes ask me

for advice and I tell them, "When

you have a vision in your heart,

you will achieve the greatest satisfaction when you extend

yourself to your furthest limits

and reach for the highest goals."

The most profound revelation

I've ever had in regard to my

art is, "Wow!  I can do whatever

I want!" 

That was a turning point for me. 

I'm no longer limiting myself to

the bounds of normalcy. 

I'm free to create whatever I can dream up, with no apologies for whatever might be "the right


As long as the finished product

is durable and pleasing to me,

it's perfectly acceptable.

My favorite aspect of artists'

creations is their amazing


Every style has its own appeal and

I like them all. I enjoy seeing brand new styles emerge on the scene;

it's so exciting! 

I find myself curious to try my hand

at all of them. It's intriguing to watch how my interpretations develop. 

Recently I've been experimenting

with Japanime-type (big-headed) designs.  They're pure fun.  I love making silly, dorky little critters

that make me laugh. 

Regarding my own creative abilities, any of the creativity I possess is inspired by my Heavenly Father,

the Creator, Himself.  

I am eternally grateful to Him for his love and favor in letting me to share

even a tiny speck of his vast creative nature.


"Where the Spirit

does not work

with the hand,

there is no art."

Leonardo da Vinci



Beowulf, Dragonslayer 

Twenty inches tall, fully jointed, ancient Old English literature Nordic  folk hero character, luxuriantly and boldly stained alpaca, custom crocheted mohair cloak clasped with a "jewelled" dagger - insignia of his prowess,  ruggedly wrought grey wool yarn pouch with bone and amber closure slung across chest, inside of the pouch are meaningful  objects, symbols of the dragon's demise - fiery blood-red beach glass stones, crazed glass cabochon and polished fossil stone.  $495.00 (USD)+shp/hndl.
Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch

Gladsome Giver of Briarwood

Resembles an ewok with Robin Hood's heart - giving gifts to the less fortunate inhabitants of Briarwood.  Dressed in wool hauberk and leather jerkin, carries spices and various offerings in his bags, primitive necklace, travels with his cricket companion in a cage slung on a mossy branch 23" tall, one-of-a-kind.
Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch

Little Dude

Eight inches tall, one of a kind, hat is inspired from illustrations by great fantasy artist Brian Froud.

Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch


Light blonde mohair, imported glass eyes, subtle two-toned pearl cotton nose, hand-applied accent face coloring, pink bloomer overalls, pink silk bow and hair rosebud, demurely weighted with glass beads, 9"  tall, fully jointed, one of a kind.
Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch


Represents a famous olde cartoon bear.  Flashes cheerful open-mouthed smile as he waves uniquely shaped inner-wired paw, black glass backed with black and white felt and ultrasuede,  black waxed pearl cotton shiny nose, buffed to a soft sheen, vintage rainbow-striped taffeta neck ribbon, 11" tall, one of a kind.  $325.00 (USD) +shp/hndl.
Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch

Miss Maggie Marie

Sixteen inches tall, cernit-faced bear inspired by a photo of my granddaughter, Maggie. arms inside-wired, ultra suede paws can grasp your finger, black mohair contrasts nicely with Maggie’s Sunday-best lace collar and puffy gold heart necklace.
Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch


Platinum mohair fellow, 13"  tall, one of a kind, sports colorful custom-made striped vest matches  his striped, multihued nose, lidded golden brown glass eyes, muzzle somewhat shaded, arms wired – little paws will cup to hold your finger, heftily weighted with glass beads.
Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch


Jingle jangle Bongo has striking red mohair with the look of dusky, musky leather,10" tall, 5-way jointed, one-of-a-kind, decorative bell necklace.  Who could ask for more panache in a companion?  $259.00 (USD)+shp/hndl.

Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch


Chocolate colored ultra sparse mohair, 9" tall, fully jointed, one of a kind, black glass taxidermy eyes, lightly waxed pearl cotton nose, shaded muzzle, rust colored overalls, heavily weighted with glass beads.
Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch


Eduardo's black eyes sparkle as he balances an irridescent glass ball on his hand for your amusement.  Felt clown hat and silky vintage ruff with jaunty hand made beaded flowers, unique face is tipped with striped pearl cotton nose, paws wired for cozy grip, splendid mohair coat , 15” tall, fully jointed, weighted body, one of a kind.
Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch

Pansy Bunny

Luxuriant alpaca/silk blend light sandy colored fur, , fully jointed, wired poseable ears, German glass eyelids tinted pale blue, batik fabric blouse, crocheted lace collar, authentic very old ribbon/ button on shoulder reads "Treasurer", "Boston T.M.A. No.2 Jan.22,1911" embossed faintly on ribbon, which was a theater group of some kind.
Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch

Darn Tootin' and Darn Yankee

From a series called "Those Darn'd Bears", made to look well loved complete with patches, foot and paw pads have holes that show 2 shades of wool felt with some wood wool peeking through, fur partially clipped and/or plucked to enhance the aged effect, 14" tall, one-of-a-kind.
Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch

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Fool's Gold

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