From the Publisher
Valerie Rogers, Publisher/Excecutive Editor, who also serves as President for Bright Star Promotions, Inc. a leading teddy bear show promoter with nearly 700 shows produced, live and online, since 1982.
Email any comments or questions to
It is the mission of to provide a forum of both promotion and self promotion by which the Professional Artists-Members may display their creations, be honored as creators and their contact information be easily accessible to our readers. We connect the artists and the collectors within the pages of Bears&Buds' bi-monthly online teddy bear magazine sometimes referred to as a Webzine.
Through the Global Directory listings, featured articles and the Annual URSA Awards Competition, members are able to participate directly with the web site which provides visibility and ongoing enthusiasm for the teddy bear industry. Collectors and readers are entertained, educated, and have access to artist members 24/7.
Who's Who at Bears&Buds
Together at the Ann Arbor Teddy Bear Show
November 6, 2011
Left to Right
Ken Yenke (d), Bear Appraiser/ Writer,
Valerie Rogers, Publisher/Executive Editor,
Terry Michaud, Contributing Writer |
BearsandBuds Publisher and Executive Editor
Valerie Rogers
Phone: (502) 423-7827
Assistant Editor, Graphic Designer and Writer
Dawn Emerson
Parent Company |

Feature Writers
Brenda Yenke
Terry Michaud
Gloria Chan
Patricia Bush
Claudia Schlue
Jonny Hawkins - cartoonist
Carolyn Carver
Dawn Emerson
Monica Spicer
Diana Stanton
Kay Cooper
Dee Mason
Martha Burch
Carol Miller
Serena Ellison
Kathryn Peck
Kathy Glenn
Bobbie Ripperger
Cindy McGuire
Neysa Phillippi

Sponsor of the yearly
URSA Awards Competition |

Graphic design by Dawn Emerson
Front Cover
is the original, digital image,
online publication and not a printed paper publication. |
See all the covers over the years. |
Keep the bi-monthly online teddy bear magazine coming to your monitor. Join, Subscribe or Donate.
Thank you!
PayPal Payments and Membership fees are payable to our account name: |
Bears&Buds established Jan 12, 2005
Web site launched and first copyrighted online magazine was published on
March 15, 2005
Peek into our office

Valerie Rogers, Publisher/Executive Editor

Dawn Emerson, Assistant Editor and graphic artist.
Computer work during lunch breaks too!
Jan from New Zealand, Dawn, Valerie and Neysa all contributing ideas to the web pages you enjoy so much!
