rising star

Laure Weltsch, Fool's Gold


"Through all

the world,

there goes

one long cry

from the heart

of the artist:

Give me leave

to do my utmost."

Isak Dineson,

Babette's Feast                                                                                                       




By Laure Weltsch

Fool's Gold

Editor's Note: I wanted to do an article on Laure Weltsch since the first time I saw her work.  She surprised me by asking

instead, if I would be interested in an article

SHE wrote about herself. 

I was skeptical. While artists are very imaginative and creative, they are not always good writers. It is also very hard to write well, in "first person". 

She asked me to look over

the article and then tell her

what I thought. 

I read it and informed her

that it was very good, and asked her to write some other articles for me, too!

Ian, Primitive Jester Bear
Ian, a 19-1/2" tall jester of the people, not yet conscripted by the king, freely chooses to lighten the hearts of his fellow-beast. Hand sculpted of Cernit, polymer clay, which produces wonderfully translucent skin tones. A playful sparkle emanates from his highly realistic green glass eyes. Mohair in antique finish, ultra suede paw pads, metal and wood joints, wire-armature limbs for ultimate posing, filled with polyfiber and substantially weighted with finely textured glass beads. Ian's tunic and hood are custom crocheted wool, embellished with wavy, looping design in fine copper wire and semi-precious stones. Suede leather ties and lacings tipped in patterned, colored feathers and glowing stone beads.  Jaunty, colored glass bead and feather ornaments adorn the front of his hood and the point in the back.  Around his wrist is a very uniquely shaped bag in the shape of a giant, colorful cicada.  Ian's most precious and beautiful treasure, is cradled inside the bag.  It remains unknown to enhance your sense of curiosity, wonder and awe.  Adoption Fee: $795 (USD) International Shipping & Handling Included.

Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch




Mom and Dad always encouraged

my "artsy" side.  When I was

a toddler, they would hand me

a paper sack, which I would fill

with imaginary posies I "picked"

from the wallpaper. 

When I was old enough to trust

with crayons, they always made

sure I had a ready supply.

Their significantly keen interest

in my masterpieces, supplied all

the stimulation I needed to see myself as an artist.

My style has evolved, or rather, expanded over the years. 

My first designs were traditional.  Even now most of my designs

have something of the traditional about them, translated through

my own personality.

I depart from strictly traditional

by exploring new ideas or when

I am just having fun. 

I hesitate to put my style in

a box because I never want

to limit the possibilities. 

Following a Leader

Mom was an artist at heart, and

an accomplished needle woman.

Knitting and crochet would virtually pour from her fingers, leaving me, gaping in awe at her flying fingers. 

Most of the clothing worn by the

five of us kids, was either "hand-me-downs”, or Mom's handiwork.

As the eldest, it was my job

to mend my own skirt hems

and replace missing buttons,

often with boisterous resentment! 

Back then, I was hard-pressed

to embrace Mom's prophecy

I would be glad one day, that

I knew how to mend and might

even come to enjoy it.

Years later, with six of my own

children (now all grown), I followed Mom's lead into needle pleasures, first from duty, then out of pure joy and appreciation for the legacy

I've been blessed to inherit.


You could say I am a bear maker

by default, although I do not see

it that way.  To me, it seems it

was by design. 

I first set out to become a doll

maker, but along the way, reality brought me up short, as an

empty pocketbook prevented

my appearance at the gala doll

event of the 1993 season.

Sad and weary was I, would-be reveler, now steeped in misery

over my pitiful plight. 

Seeking distraction, I sewed a new project from a teddy bear pattern

I had bought but never finished.

As it took shape, I found myself somewhat amused as I gazed

into the furry little face of my

new creation.

Like patchy fog, creeping in...

slowly, barely tangible, scintillating childlike wonder stole over my senses, enveloping me--then suddenly, without warning,

a subtle "Twangg!" and then,

a sharp impact, "Thawakk"!

Queerly, the feeling of beguiled wonderment remained unabated

in my senses, along with a faint

touch of giddiness.  

Slowly, over my befuddled grin dawned understanding.  "Teddy

Bear Cupid" shot his teensy little arrow into my unsuspecting heart!

He whispered his teddy love song

in my ear, and my life was never

the same again. 

My journey into the warm and

caring teddy bear world became

a permanent destination!


Any time, anywhere, when I least expect it, whimsy can captivate

my sensibilities and lead me

on flights of fancy to the land

of unbridled imagination. 

A theme can catch my interest,

as with Ian, a jester of the people;

or perhaps a technique, such as inner-wired grasping paws, or internal eyes, which peer from

within the bear.  

My whimsical fantasy reveries

result in creatures of varying

sizes and shapes with a median range of 6 to 15 inches. 

Sometimes, a gorgeous piece

of fur, serves as the jump-off


Often, a character emerges spontaneously, revealing itself gradually during the creative


These detailed personalities

are intriguing individuals, each displaying a readiness to know

and be known.  

The challenges and surprises

of bear making urge me on,

building and playing upon

each other, presenting endless

new  trials and inspirations. 

The Process

Someone asked me once,

what special tools, materials

or references sources I use

when I start to create.

I just laughed and told them,

"I use a highly refined process

of drawing a pattern on a paper grocery sack and then cutting

out the pattern and transferring

it to a cardboard cereal box."

I'm trying to train myself to use

clear plastic template material

so the patterns will wear longer,

but so far I'm too busy designing

new ones to consider transferring

the old ones to the plastic.


Mohair will probably always

be my all-time favorite.  All

the beautiful, lustrous colors,

the interesting finishes and

proven durability make it my

top choice and best value.

Sometimes I like to use other

natural fur fabrics, such as Alpaca.

I like the look of alpaca when it

is aged by tea dying. 

Occasionally, like when I'm

making miniatures, a fine

gauge material is needed,

and that's when I use the

quality synthetics that are


Rayon viscose or quality faux

furs have been finding their

way into the mix of choices. 

My critters are very weighty. 

Tiny glass beads are carefully distributed throughout the

entire piece, creating a well

balanced, natural feel, which accentuates their realism. 

Finishing details may include

colorful accents on faces and

paws accomplished by careful airbrushing or direct application

of inks or pigments, sealed

with fixative.

Eyes are often lidded.  Faces

and paws, frequently detailed

with needle sculpting.  Some

of my characters are enhanced

with costumes or embellishments

like old fashioned vintage keys

or bells. 

The costumes may be vintage,

new, or custom made originals depending on what suits the individual. 

Most are simple and straight

forward but once in a while,

I go hog-wild and create

something very involved and

time consuming as I did for Ian,

a bear of hand sculpted face,

whose primitive jester's tunic

and hood is completely hand crocheted of fine grade wool

with wispy copper wire and

semi-precious stones worked

into the borders.

Leather lacing and feather

ornaments are offset by an

intricately hand-pieced treasure

bag in the shape of a colorful

giant cicada!            

When time allows, I enjoy

working on bears with internal

eyes and armatures.  They

require careful planning and

precision handling of the fabric

and other materials. 

The work is demanding but

the results are very rewarding. 

To fix your gaze on a bear that

looks back at you with a truly

lifelike spark in its eyes, and

to feel the sweet grasp of an internally wired paw, both are experiences that will reach out

and touch the soul of a true

bear lover. 

Time Constraints

My bears are fairly detailed, so

I suspect they may take longer

than most bears to complete. 

Rarely, do I ever start and finish

a bear in the same day.  Many

times they take days, or if very intricate, weeks.  

Internal eyes and armatures

tend to take the longest, except

for sculpting, which can take days just for one face.


I sew body parts by machine

when possible, and by hand,

if the pieces are small. 

Of course, the finishing details

are always hand stitched. 

Currently, I am researching

a new material for reproducing

my sculpted faces. 

If it works out, I will be able

to offer the finished products

for lower prices than the clay originals.  I will still be the one

doing the work, but my time

will be better spent.

...Continued on Page 2


(USD) +shp/hndl.

Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch

(USD) +shp/hndl.

Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch

A scruffy little kid, internal eyes and inner-wired paws, wonderful hand dyed mohair in soft beige and pink shades, fleecy off-the-shoulder top, carefully weighted to feel naturally balanced.

Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch


Six" tall, fully jointed blonde darling, LE of two.  Eyes backed with ultrasuede circles, smudgy shading on his snout and toes, wears wool felt neck ruff.  $115/each (USD) +shp/hndl.
Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch

Free spirited, 15" tall, cernit faced, Pearl sets her own unique fashion style: dainty vintage lace collar, fine ribbon-flowered millinery with omiyagi beads, old gold colored antique-look mohair, wire-armatured and fully jointed limbs help her stand or sit.  Teddy Bear Shoppe Exclusive

Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch
Viggo and Vigga

Shy and reserved, 10" tall, 5-way jointed red hot colored mohair, adorned with vintage keys.  Each is one of a kind, but are sold separately. $249/each (USD) +shp/hndl.

Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch
OOAK, 16.5" tall, lidded straw colored glass eyes set into shaded needle-sculpted mug, tawny nose embroidered in pearl shades, puggish muzzle, 5-way jointed arms inner wired and knees internally ball-jointed, hand made silk ribbon flowers adorn rich brocade hat and collar, hat bordered with pink maribou, collar points end in tinkly jingle bells, tied together by satin cord with omiyage baubles. Adoption Fee: $325 (USD) +shp/hndl.

Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch

Boink & Doink 

Couple of cute weird little twerps, 8" tall, 5-way jointed mohair naive bears, opposites in fur color but obviously two of a kind in genealogy. $198/each or $365/pair (USD) +shp/hndl.

Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch


The star dangling from his neck speaks volumes about Shine's inner light.  Softly, sweetly in his warm brown and beige mohair coat, he will warm his way into your heart.  Sculpted, ultrasuede tootsies are touched with soft shading, carefully balanced weight is added for a divine little hug.

Fool's Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch


It's an elf bear with pointy ears! Off-white mohair fur, color accents around eyes and muzzle, green tweed knickers supported by black ultra suede suspenders with big red buttons, aviator cap makes him look as if he could fly with those ears.  He rescued his crocheted turtle friend from a shop where they used him as a pincushion (ouch!)
Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch


Fully string-jointed, 9" tall, OOAK, content to peek through shaggy two-toned brown mohair, cute little sculpted toes, substantially hefty for his size, blue vintage buttons adorn shoulders and hips, necklace of real silver and turquoise.

Gold Bears
Laure Weltsch


Some of the bears pictured here are already adopted but help demonstrate Laure's talent range. She cannot duplicate these specific pieces but can custom design something similar.

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Fool's Gold

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