About the

Collector's Choice
Popular Vote Contest

URSA Awards Competition

It’s a new world nowadays with emerging technologies abounding. Bears&Buds is making efforts to improve and expand the teddy bear collecting hobby which in turn helps artists connect with collectors.  

With the Bears&Buds URSA Awards Competition, we want to clarify the ground rules and explain why we believe in a ‘popular vote’ contest format.

With all competitions, the greatest variable is style of the artistry. Everyone has a style preference; what one person finds delightful, another might find appalling.

With so many different techniques, creative ideas, abilities; taste then becomes the individual voter's ‘style preference’ which generally determines a winner in any competition.

Every artist has a distinctive, identifiable style and their work is usually easily recognizable. Even extremely well made pieces may not appeal to a collector.

Keeping an impartial perspective is Bears&Buds passion, and we realize the best judges for the URSA Awards Competition are our readers, collector and artists.

This gives the public the opportunity to become involved in the voting process. We do not want to hamper the voting process by having a jury, every bear entered is shown and voted on. Bears&Buds wants all contestant to have the same opportunities to compete.

Easy-to-use voting software allows for one vote per category, per computer. Votes are audited daily for accuracy and authenticity.

Not everyone can be a winner. Everyone entering should realize that even if you did not win, you received an abundant amount of additional exposure based on all the web traffic generated by all the other artists who solicit their customers, friends and family for votes. 

In essence, you are a WINNER with more exposure. You may not have contacted people but your work was seen thousands of voters!

It is Bears&Buds Teddy Bear Magazine's goal to educate people about teddy bear collecting. What better way to expand interest than to sponsor an interactive online contest which builds excitement?

We hope you can see the value and appreciate the tremendous appeal that comes with participating in the Bears&Buds online magazine and in the URSA Awards competition.

We are all so lucky to be part of an industry which has so many talented, friendly, unique artists, readers and collectors. I can't think of another hobby which encompasses all of these qualities.

We look forward to this year's URSA Awards Competition when the artists come out to shine and give our voters a chance to see their BEST!


Valerie Rogers

Publisher/Executive Editor


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