Online, Monthly Teddy Bear Magazine
How Did
September 9th Become National Teddy Bear Day?
Charles Moose, Contributing Writer                                            October 2013

They're a staple of childhood to cuddle and care for, the teddy bear, and September 9th is the unofficial holiday to celebrate he plush animals.

Teddy bears, as we all know, were named for U.S. President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt, and the Teddy Bear became popular in the early 20th century.

In addition to being a common toy for children they are also exchanged in romantic situations to signify love.

Teddy bears come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. made commercially or by talented teddy bear artists. There are a few teddy bear museums, festivals and shows taking place across the world.

Celebrate this American icon and make sure the kids in your life have a teddy bear to hug today and even sleep with tonight. For the 'big' kids too!


Article in the Examiner . . . read
Ellie and Edmond Blog  . . . read
Holiday Insights . . . read
Celebrate the day . . . read
Festivology . . . read
Song's history implies
July 10th might be the date . . . read
Article says Vermont Teddy Bear Company declared National American Teddy Bear Day in November, based on the first day of the 1902 hunt in Mississippi.  . . read
and . . . read
To add to the unofficial dates, this one names July 10th as National Teddy Bear Picnic Day! . . . read
At one time, I think Good Bears of the World proposed using President Roosevelt's birthday, October 27th, as Teddy Bear Day but it did not catch on.
So, should arctophiles accept the September 9th date as official, although arbitrary? Or encourage deeper research to turn up justification for the selection of that date?

There appears to be no record of the origin of this holiday
or why this particular date was chosen.
Perhaps the bears themselves know? Perhaps just an excuse to have a holiday? 


This article arose when I asked Valerie the Title question. She turned it into an article and we both did (non-comprehensive) Google and Bing searches.

Painting courtesy of:


Editors note:

No matter the 'unofficial' teddy bear holiday date ... Make today the day. Gather your friends and get the party going!



Photo courtesy of



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