Online, Monthly Teddy Bear Magazine
 Humphrey's Tales
September 2014

Let me introduce myself:

My name is Humphrey and I was born in 1993 in Flagstaff, Arizona USA.

Currently living in Cottonwood, AZ, with my Mom and Dad, by the way of Florida and Hawaii; don't ask!

Explained through my stories?


You'll just have to follow my tales each month.




Last year we had a severe hail storm that damaged our roof. 


We were approved for replacement of the roof shingles and given a delivery date. 


I was so excited that I was sitting on the porch at daybreak waiting for the truck. 


Finally the truck arrived and the action was about to begin.



This guy used a remote control to put the shingles on the roof.


I want his job!

I wasn't allowed to use the remote but he did give me a ride to the roof with the materials. 


I felt like I was back on vacation at Universal Studios in Florida riding the roller coaster again.


This is not a good idea!


Sitting under a load of shingles being delivered to the roof, so I thought like a 'Minion'


I went into action and used the garden hose and the surge of water knocked him out of the way  but not off the roof. 


I was a hero and because of my bravery.


I was hired by the roofing crew as a trainee.  


They gave me a truck, gas allowance and a free lunch.

This is part of my crew taking a break.  Breaks are special because I get to relax and eat junk food.




The boss showed up and our extra break quickly ended. 


Since I am the newest employee of the crew, I think I would be the first to be fired for taking an extra break.


So, I grabbed my tools and hid behind the truck hoping I would not be seen by the boss.

Feeling safe from being caught

I climbed the ladder really fast and joined the crew on the roof before the boss even missed me


At least I thought so.




The boss did see me. 


I was removed from the roof and assigned to trash duty. 


What is trash duty? 


Every time the roofer misses the trash bin when throwing the old shingles from the roof, I had to find the shingle, then climb up on the bin to discard the shingle properly. 


He missed a lot! 


I learned my lesson; which was to take required breaks only.


While running around the yard picking up missed shingles, I was spotted by the Animal Control officer. 


I was put into the truck while the officer checked to see if my work permit was current. 


What is a work permit?


Not feeling comfortable about the situation, I found an escape door and took a direct run to my house, going inside and pulling the curtains closed.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. 


My boss was standing there next to the Officer.


"I'm going to jail, no more junk food.  How was I going to write my monthly story for Bears&Buds"? 


These were thoughts going thru my mind.

Instead my boss had filled out the paper work for my permit and the problem was solved.


The Officer was so nice, she even allowed me to call in the report to dispatch that the situation was handled and there was no 'jail time' to be served.


BUT I'm on roof trash duty for 90 days!


I just hope the roofers have better aim at the trash bin!



 Join me for another adventure next month!

Pat Lyons - Humphrey's Mom

Free Spirit Creations

Member since March 2012


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