Online, Monthly Teddy Bear Magazine
 Humphrey's Tales
December 2014

Let me introduce myself:

My name is Humphrey and I was born in 1993 in Flagstaff, Arizona USA.

Currently living in Cottonwood, AZ, with my Mom and Dad, by the way of Florida and Hawaii; don't ask!

Explained through my stories?


You'll just have to follow my tales each month.




Christmas can be considered the party-time of the year.

BUT, I have experienced through the years, that there is a lot of work involved before officially saying 'Merry Christmas'.

My first project is going down to the basement to find which boxes hold the festive trimmings.

I spent a lot of time searching because, again I forgot last year to mark the boxes 'Christmas trimmings.'

I know I'm on a hunt so I made sure to take snacks and hot chocolate with me.

A cub reporter must be prepared for any adventure.



Finally, the search was over!

I brought the boxes up from the basement and unpacked everything on the living room floor.

Again, I was reminded that I didn't take better care of putting away the lights! Now I have to spend time to untangle them.
Mom had a great idea!

If the lights are too tangled then go buy new ones because this is the season to be 'jolly' and not frustrated!
Next on the list was to decorate the tree and then put out all the Santas and decorations.

I'm not cleaning the windows to install the strings of lights.

I'll just spray a lot of imitation snow on each window and that should hide the dirt!

Tree, lights, trimmings and ornaments are all in place.

Next on the list are Christmas cards.

Since I'm writing for the magazine I have gathered more friends which means writing a lot more cards.

Do I have to use postage stamps on my cards if they are being addressed to bears?


Cards are completed and ready for the mail man.


I feel like I'm ahead of schedule. WRONG!


Mom found another box of unmarked Christmas stuff in the basement.


Somewhere I needed to find more room for these additional trimmings. So, I removed lamps, coffee tables and flower arrangements and took them to the basement.


At least I found a reward in the last box; some leftover cookies!

I still had things to do!


I made a list, got out my credit card and attempted to fight the store crowds.

BUT - at least I didn't get stuck in traffic because Santa was my mode of transportation.

Thank You, Santa!
Mission accomplished!

The gifts are wrapped and hidden away. Now I just have to remember where they are come Christmas Eve.
As the time approached for Christmas Day, one of the final duties was to bake cookies.

That's my favorite part of the holidays because Mom bakes them and I eat them!

SO, as you go through December in preparation to make your Christmas the 'best ever', take some advice for next year. Mark the contents of the holiday boxes, take care to re-wind the lights properly, remind yourself to breathe, stop often and have a drink
of straight honey, relax and you might even thank yourself when you once again 'prepare' for next year's holiday.

Enjoy your friends and family and I'm wishing you Happy Holidays with a sense of humor !
Please look close at this final photo. Do you notice something odd?

Look closer.

Yes, I have a pair of Mickey Mouse ears on my head
I'm spending 7 days, including Christmas Day, at Disneyland in California.

Mom, Dad and I are going with special friends to celebrate this magical holiday together.

Our airline and hotel reservations are made.

There is an additional reservation and I will have breakfast with the Disney characters.

Mom made me a special vest with a matching bow tie!
YUK on the tie but as a reporter for Bears&Buds, I need to look my best when interviewing the 'Disney Stars'.

The 'magic' awaits my arrival and what better gift is there than sharing 'magic' with friends

In up-coming articles I will share that 'magic' with each of you.

 Join me for another adventure next month!

Pat Lyons - Humphrey's Mom

Free Spirit Creations

Member since March 2012


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