Artist Dressed Bear |

Gloria presents Angela Yips award

AD-09 Fair Lady


Flora Lee and her bear Rose

AD-10 Rose

Jada Tams - Little Oscar |

AD-05 Little Oscar

AD-08 Pearl
Artist - Non Traditional material bear or Friend |

Amy Yau and her winning Monkey |

AN 01 Iku BB

Marcia Mo and her Panda

AN 02 Lovely Panda

Louise Chow with Red Dress Bear

AN 03 Red Dressed bear


Etta Wong |

AN 04 Baby Blue
Hobbyist - Dress bear or friends |

Erik, center, presents the awards to the Hobbyist Category Winners. |

Rebecca's mother accepting her award as she is studying abroad. |

HD 01 MSF: Doctor Bear without Border


HD 09 Miss Hong Kong 2013


Mak Chui Wah with her bear sailor

HD 07 Sailor

Annies with Erick

HD 06 Belly dancing Queen
Hobbyist - Non Traditional material bear or Friend |

Emma Leung

HN 02 Candy Bear

Sandy Wong and her Flower Fairy |

HN 04 Flower Fairy

Melody and Erick |

HN 01 Fantasy Butterfly

Liu Oi Shan with her bear Little Red Ridiing Hood. |

HN 05 Little Red Riding Hood

Youngster Non Traditional material bear or Friend |

Chan Ying Hei and her little bear |

Y 04 Gothic Lolita Bear

Ng Ka Hei and her bear Jelly |

Y 07 Jelly

Carol Kwok and her Sailor bear |

Y 08 Sailor Bear

Janice Wong for Sukli |

Y 05 Sukli

Being just 4, she held her sisters trophy, because she did make her bear so understood she had won! Too young to understand the awards system. |

Y 11 Baby Walker (this girl is only 4.5 years old) |
Youngster - Dressed bear or friend |

YD 01 Young princess
Athena Cheung


YD 07 Blue Princess
Athena Cheung


Neroli Leung-Lucy |

YD 04 Lucy

Kellie Wong and her bear Natalie |

YD 02 Natalie
Special Honors |

Public Vote at Panda Place winner is
Anny Cheng |

Public vote at The East winner
Louise Chow |

Public Vote at E-Max winner is:
Amy Yau |

John Leung special Bears in Uniforms Award |
Hong Kong Teddy Bear Association is proud and honored to present the award and to show you the exhibits.
 See the photos 

Congratulations for the artist
and bear makers! |
Meet the Judges |

Schepp is the Chairperson of Bear by Bear Germany. Author of five teddy Bear
books. She's the Mentor of Hong Kong Teddy Artists, as she brought
Gloria Chan to the bear world and has broadened her horizons of the Art of
Teddy bears. |

Valerie Rogers is the Publisher and Executive Editor of
Bears&Buds, the original online teddy bear Magazine and a leading Teddy Bear Show producer in USA who now sponsors online teddy bear shows. |
Volkova is an artist, designer, living in Russia and has been teaching drawing
and painting for over 18 years.
Last 6 years Yana also teaches felting and
traditional doll-making. |

Scilla Lamberti lives in Florence, Italy and is a pattern maker and CAD system teacher in POLIMODA International Institute Fashion Design & Marketing. |

Erick Cheung is a TV Stylist for the Hong Kong Fashion Designer group.
He is participant of numerous fashion shows and fashion exhibitions. |

Erik is presented a judges award while Gloria (r) and the hostess stand for photographs.
A very happy afternoon was enjoyed by all,
learning to make bears! |

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