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Professional Registration
Fill out the form below to become a professional member of Bears&Buds®
Your listing will be reviewed by a member of our administrative staff and upon approval, your information will be added to our Bears&Buds® Buyers Guide
Items with * are required
Company Name:
Agency Name: (if any)
*First Name:
Middle Name:
*Last Name:
If you do not live in the USA or Canada, enter Region:
Home Phone: (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
*Business Phone: (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
May we display your business phone in your listing? Yes No
Toll Free Phone: (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
Fax Phone: (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
*Email Address:
Web site:
*Select a username: (max of 12 characters)
*Select a password (max of 12 characters)
*Reenter password (max of 12 characters)
In the event you forget your username or password, we will ask you to answer a security question. You may select which question to use:
*Select a security question:
*Enter your answer to the security question:

Copyright © 2005-11
DBA: Bright Star Promotions, Inc, 3428 Hillvale Road Louisville, KY 40241 USA
All rights reserved.
Phone/Fax: (502) 423-7827